This park in Liscard Village is deceptively small looking. But once you get inside and start wandering around, you’ll realize that the walking paths stretch for quite a distance in several directions.
There are some nice, shaded areas for sitting, walking, biking, and exploring. There are benches spaced throughout the park, and there is even a fairly large playground area for small children. There seem to be a fair amount of trees lining the walking paths which makes this park a much nicer bit of green than some of the other parks in towns and cities that only seem to have a patch of grass to offer. Also, there is a small duck pond here if you know where to find it, down amongst the trees on the far side. You can also ride your bike here, and walk your dog. |
Central Park
Liscard Road
CH44 0BS
Liscard Road
CH44 0BS
Report a problem at Central Park
Use this form to report a problem within Central Park, eg: Damaged or missing playground equipment, problems relating to park grass, shrubs, trees or Litter problems. Wirral Council aim to investigate within 15 working days.
To report an issue that poses an immediate danger to the public please contact StreetScene:
- Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm - 0151 606 2004
- Outside of these hours - 0151 647 7810
Donate to Central Park
The Friends of Central Park raise money for the park via Central Park Cafe within the Walled Garden. They provide much needed funds to the park providing play equipment, maintenance and entertainment for the park visitors. If you can help by donating just £5 we can continue to keep Central Park for future generations.
If you can donate please click on the donate button below. You can also donate via our collection tins in the cafe.
Thank you for your support.
If you can donate please click on the donate button below. You can also donate via our collection tins in the cafe.
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